Image compositing

Holiday store created with Photoshop composite images

The QVC Holiday Shop is a cross-category campaign, live from February to September, promoting holiday essentials from different categories. Our in-house photographers would normally shoot the panels for the digital platforms.

In 2018, the concept of the Holiday Shop was developed around four stories (the destinations) and twelve categories (luggage, electronics, beauty...). If the original plan was to shoot the categories and use the imagery across the platforms, that year, an external incident prevented the Photo Studio from delivering the assets shot.

The campaign was about to launch and because we didn't have the time to reshoot, I offered to recreate the assets from scratch with a consistent look and feel. I designed colourful flat lays, setting the products in various summery scenes. The panels were created using composites of available product shot images and I recreated the decor and props using stock imagery. The destinations stories were all illustrated.

The twelve categories

The assets were composed to allow for landscape and square crops.







Beauty Tools



Travel Size


For Kids

Composite making-of: the gadgets category

Product shot imagery combined with shadow and lighting effects

Destination panels

Hand-drawn vector assets

Final pages

Mobile and desktop view